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I consult with leadership teams as a Pinnacle Business Guide who can help facilitate a transformative journey that will provoke, empower, and support leaders like you.

My goal is simple - to help you unlock untapped potential that already lives within your people and organization.

How I Choose to Apply The Proven Pinnacle Path
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As your Pinnacle Business Guide, I work to combine the concepts of The Proven Pinnacle Path with my own proven effective E3 Framework

Using both of these approaches in tandem affords me the flexibility to meet you and your leadership team where you are on your current journey, so that I can help illuminate the best path forward.

We start with a rigorous two-day basecamp, followed by strategic quarterly and annual summits, to relentlessly pursue personal and professional growth among your leaders.

Together, we’ll embrace the Explore, Experiment, Evolve framework to redefine leadership practices that will lead to more sustainable and scalable success.

Base Camp Day One



  1. The Journey
  2. WHO First?
  3. Culture Codified: Core Values Systemized
  4. Trends, Strengths & Weaknesses
  5. Strength Test Your Strategy
  7. “Scramble” Rocks
  8. Meeting Structures—Standup
  9. Next steps and clear expectations
  10. Head out as one team starting an amazing journey together
Base Camp Day Two



  1. Catch Up
  2. Scramble Rocks DUE Today
  3. WHO Next Steps
  4. Culture Codified
  5. Strength Test our Strategy… Next Level
  6. Purpose: Why we exist
  7. Finalize The PINNACLE
  8. Milestones 3-5 Years Out
  9. One Year Growth Plan
  10. FAST Rocks to First Summit
  11. WIN The Week! Scoreboard
  12. Meeting Structure Tactical-Weekly
  13. Head out as one team on an amazing
    journey to our FIRST SUMMIT!
Quarterly Lookout



  1. Catch Up
  2. Rock Accountability
  3. Check on Previous Climbing Tools
  4. After Action Review
  5. New Climbing Tools: Exactly what you need today.
  6. Rope-UP to our PINNACLE Strategy
    & Plan
  7. Quarterly Rocks to next Summit FAST
  8. Meeting Structures
  9. All Hands
  10. The List
  11. Team Health Training & Conditioning
  12. Head out aligned to our NEXT SUMMIT!
Annual Summit



  1. Deep dive on previous year.
  2. Annual Plan & Quarterly Rock Accountability
  3. Challenge Strategic Vision & Plan
  4. Tighten up the Strategy
  5. Annual Talent Assessment
  6. Meeting Structures Next Level
  7. Gear Up NEW Climbing Tools
  8. Team Health Training & Conditioning
  9. Higher Level Thinking on Next Year’s Growth
  10. Quarterly Rocks to next Summit FAST
  11. Scoreboard Adjustments “Win the Week”
  12. The List
  13. Break camp, head out aligned to NEXT SUMMIT!


Why Choose Perry as Your Pinnacle Business Guide?

Your journey to the relentless leadership requires patience, openness and a long obedience in the same direction. It's simple, but not easy. Are you and your team up for the challenge?

Every step is intentional.  As your guide, I'll focus on what makes you and your team unique, understanding your vision, identifying truths and myths so that together, we can craft a strategy that highlights your strengths and then fills in the gaps.

By following our playbook and committing to improvement, we transform aspirations into actions that will truly evolve your business.  If you are ready to make the accent and enjoy the view from the top, we should talk...

IMAGE - perry bw die first close copy
Matt Erny

"I am a better business owner, business partner, father and husband thanks to Perry. He has a gift for sharing insightful and introspective materials and books with us at just the right time.

Matt Erny, CEO

Social Firm

Vistage Key Group Member
Thomas Eytcheson

"The prompts he is regularly sending out impact our thinking which brings clarity, and clarity impacts everyone a leader comes into contact with. Perry truly embodies a great leader.

Thomas Eytcheson, Owner

BedRock Data Solutions

Vistage Key Group Member