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Experience the transformative power of peer advisory groups, carefully crafted to unlock your leadership potential and drive your professional and personal growth to new heights.

Whether you hold the title of CEO, key executive, or emerging leader in your organization, my Vistage groups offer a strategic foundation to elevate your decision-making abilities, leadership qualities, and overall success in both your business or career and in your personal life.

Vistage Chief Executive Program

Who Should Join

CEOs, Presidents, and Founders seeking to navigate complex challenges with the support of experienced peers and a seasoned Vistage Chair.

Program Overview

Engage in a confidential advisory group of non-competing business leaders. This program is built around full-day peer advisory board meetings, private executive coaching sessions, and access to world-class speakers and Vistage events. It's designed to help top leaders make better decisions that benefit not only their companies but also their communities and families.

Vistage Key Executive Program

Who Should Join

 C-level Executives aiming to enhance their effectiveness to support strategic decisions and drive significant results.

Program Overview

This program focuses on improving the effectiveness of senior managers by equipping them with the tools to foster executive presence, accountability, and confidence. Through peer advisory boards and the option for private coaching, key executives will learn to tackle professional challenges and enhance their leadership skills in alignment with the organization’s high stakes.

Vistage Advancing Leader Program

Who Should Join

Experienced and advancing managers ready to develop into strategic thinkers and effective leaders.

Program Overview

The Advancing Leader Program turns managers into leaders who can strategically think and act to influence the broader aspects of the organization. Participants benefit from expert speaker workshops, peer feedback, and application-based learning to effectively execute crucial initiatives.

Vistage Inside

Who Should Join

Senior leadership teams within larger organizations looking to foster internal alignment and strategic execution.

Program Overview

Vistage Inside brings the power of Vistage into your organization, combining in-house dynamic group meetings with expert speaker workshops and executive coaching. It’s tailored to strengthen your leadership team's ability to collaborate effectively and drive the company's strategic objectives.

Why Choose Perry’s Vistage Groups?

I truly believe in the power of facilitated peer-to-peer Vistage groups to provide real-world applications and transformative insights, that in turn create an environment where leaders not only grow but truly thrive. These programs offer a deep dive into essential leadership discussions, from strategic decision-making to personal growth and innovation.

If you'd like to experience a Vistage group meeting, and begin your journey of continuous improvement as a relentless leader please schedule a time to speak with me about your goals, your team and your organization.

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